Meet Mima: Fitness Journey at 59 | Real Women, Real Stories Ep. 16

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Hey there, it’s Kylie from Rekreate Women’s Fitness, and welcome to another inspiring episode of Real Women, Real Stories. In this episode, we have the amazing Mima, who has been a part of our fitness family for over 11 years! Join us as Mima shares her journey, her secrets to staying fit at 59, and why she loves Rekreate Women’s Fitness.

Are you looking for some motivation to kickstart your fitness journey? Look no further! In this episode of Real Women, Real Stories, we introduce you to Mima, a remarkable member of Rekreate Women’s Fitness, who has been with us for over a decade. Mima, at the young age of 59, has an incredible story to share about her fitness journey and how she’s managed to maintain her health and vitality. Join us as we dive into her inspiring story and learn some valuable lessons along the way.

Meet Mima – A Woman of Strength

At 59 years young, Mima is a shining example of what dedication and consistency can achieve. Her journey into fitness started after having children when she realized she wanted to regain her fitness and vitality. Discover why she chose Rekreate Women’s Fitness as her fitness home.

The Comfort of a Women-Only Gym

Mima emphasizes how much she loves the atmosphere at Rekreate Women’s Fitness, a women-only gym. It’s a place where she feels comfortable, surrounded by supportive women, and where she doesn’t have to worry about the pressures of a co-ed gym.

The Power of Consistency

One of Mima’s secrets to staying fit is consistency. She shares how her daily workouts, combined with a commitment to healthy eating, have helped her maintain her fitness levels and a fantastic physique.

Winning the Challenges

Mima proudly shares her achievement of winning one of Rekreate Women’s Fitness challenges. These challenges provide motivation and accountability, helping members like Mima stay on track and achieve their fitness goals.

Advice from Mima to All Women

Mima’s parting words of wisdom are simple but powerful. She emphasizes the importance of showing up and letting the trainers at Rekreate Women’s Fitness do the thinking for you. It’s about consistency, motivation, and being part of a supportive fitness community.

If you’re seeking inspiration and motivation to start or continue your fitness journey, Mima’s story is a must-read. Remember, it’s never too late to prioritize your health and well-being. Join us in celebrating Mima’s success and her dedication to a healthy and active lifestyle. You can do it too!

Thank you, Mima, for sharing your incredible fitness journey with us. We hope her story inspires you to take action and prioritize your health and fitness. Stay tuned for more empowering stories in our Real Women, Real Stories series.


P.S. If you are seeking weight loss, strength gains or general fitness and fun, we offer Group Training, 8-week Challenges and one-to-one Personal Coaching to help you reach and maintain your goals. If you are interested, book a call with me here: 

Make it an amazing day!

Kylie Reh x

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