Empowering Motherhood: Lex’s Fitness Journey at Rekreate Women’s Fitness

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Meet Lex Stevens, a remarkable mother of seven, who embarked on a transformative fitness journey at Rekreate Women’s Fitness. In this post, we delve into Lex’s story of resilience, strength, and the unique support she found in a community of like-minded women.

Discovering Rekreate Women’s Fitness

Lex stumbled upon Rekreate by chance, intrigued by the sign she saw while driving. Drawn in by the inclusive atmosphere and the sense of camaraderie among women, she decided to give it a try.

A Journey of Physical Transformation

Lex candidly shares her motivation for joining Rekreate – the desire to shed post-pregnancy weight and address knee issues from her netball days. The classes, personalized attention, and the supportive environment at Rekreate stood out, making her fitness journey not only effective but also enjoyable.

Overcoming Physical Challenges

With seven children and a history of a broken leg, Lex faced unique physical challenges. We explore how Rekreate’s tailored exercises helped her strengthen her core, alleviate lower back pain, and recover from her leg injury.

The Impact on Pelvic Floor Health

As a mother, Lex emphasizes the importance of pelvic floor exercises. Learn how Rekreate Women’s Fitness played a pivotal role in helping her regain control and reduce discomfort, providing insights that every woman, especially mothers, can benefit from.

Mental Health and Fitness

Lex opens up about her struggles with postnatal depression and anxiety. Discover how regular exercise at Rekreate became a key component in her mental health journey, significantly reducing panic attacks and providing clarity and support.

The Holistic Approach at Rekreate

Beyond weight loss, Lex highlights the holistic benefits of Rekreate Women’s Fitness. From physical health to mental well-being, the gym offers a complete package. Lex encourages mothers to prioritize self-care without guilt, emphasizing the importance of balance.

Lex’s story is a testament to the transformative power of fitness, community, and self-care. Rekreate Women’s Fitness is not just a gym; it’s a supportive space where women like Lex find strength, overcome challenges, and build lasting connections. Join us in celebrating every woman’s unique journey at Rekreate!


P.S. If you are seeking weight loss, strength gains or general fitness and fun, we offer Group Training, 8-week Challenges and one-to-one Personal Coaching to help you reach and maintain your goals. If you are interested, book a call with me here: https://rekreatefitness.com.au/contact-us/

Make it an amazing day!

Kylie Reh x

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