From AFL to ReKreate Women’s Fitness: Rylee McGartland’s Journey

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Hey everyone, Kylie here from Rekreate Women’s Fitness! Today, I’m excited to share an inspiring story about one of our amazing members, Rylee McGartland. Rylee is not just any fitness enthusiast; she’s a Premier League AFL player who has found a new home and a balanced training regimen at Rekreate. Let’s dive into her journey!

Who is Rylee McGartland?

Rylee McGartland, a 25-year-old Premier League AFL player, recently joined Rekreate Women’s Fitness. Balancing a demanding new job and her rigorous training schedule, Rylee has discovered the perfect environment to maintain her fitness during the off-season and prepare for the pre-season.

Why Rylee Chose Rekreate

Rylee’s journey with us began thanks to her mom, who couldn’t stop raving about Rekreate. Initially skeptical, Rylee quickly realized the intense and effective nature of our workouts. The supportive and inclusive community we’ve built here was a pleasant surprise for her.

“The first session, I was absolutely gassed and I was burned, and I was like, okay, it’s actually hard, all right,” Rylee recalls. She fell in love with our programs and the welcoming atmosphere we strive to create.

Balancing Off-Season and Pre-Season Training

One of the biggest challenges for athletes like Rylee is finding a happy medium between the off-season and pre-season. At Rekreate, Rylee found that perfect balance. Our workouts are challenging yet enjoyable, allowing her to stay fit without feeling overwhelmed.

“It’s a hard workout but it’s not a punishment being here. It’s an enjoyable workout. I’m still doing everything I need to. I feel good. I’ve lost a few kilos. I’m feeling fit,” Rylee says.

The Rekreate Community and Flexibility

Rylee appreciates the flexibility our gym offers, which is crucial for her busy schedule. The ability to choose her training times and tailor workouts to her needs has been a game-changer.

“The luxury of here is there’s so much flexibility. I’ll literally walk the night before what time suits me for the next day, so 100% I’ll be coming here,” she explains.

Training with Family

Another unique aspect of Rylee’s experience at Rekreate is training with her mom. This shared activity has strengthened their bond and added another layer of enjoyment to her fitness journey.

“It’s just created like a little bit more of a connection with her and then to be able to share that in a community with all girls who are going through the same thing,” Riley shares.

Why Rekreate is the Place to Be

Rylee’s story is a testament to the supportive, flexible, and effective training environment we offer at Rekreate Women’s Fitness. Whether you’re a professional athlete or just starting your fitness journey, our community is here to support you every step of the way.

So, bring your moms, daughters, or friends and join us at Rekreate Women’s Fitness. Let’s create a healthier, happier, and stronger you together!


P.S. If you are seeking weight loss, strength gains or general fitness and fun, we offer Group Training, 8-week Challenges and one-to-one Personal Coaching to help you reach and maintain your goals. If you are interested, book a call with me here:

Make it an amazing day!

Kylie Reh x

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