Jen Barret’s Journey at ReKreate Women’s Fitness

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Welcome to another inspiring story from ReKreate Women’s Fitness! Today, we are thrilled to share the journey of Jen Barrett, a dedicated member of our community who has been with us for two years. Jen’s story is a testament to the power of consistency, community, and the incredible transformations that can happen when you prioritize your well-being.

Jen's Background

Jen Barrett, 38, originally from Wollongong, spent several years living in Sydney before moving back to the area two years ago. That’s when she joined ReKreate Women’s Fitness and began her dedicated fitness journey. Jen’s commitment to her health and fitness has been unwavering, and she’s seen remarkable progress.

Life Before ReKreate Women's Fitness

Before joining ReKreate, Jen’s life was marked by fluctuations in her mental health. Over the past eight years, she experienced significant ups and downs, particularly with anxiety. However, Jen has managed to gain control over her mental health by focusing on what she can control and not letting external factors dictate her well-being.

Journey at ReKreate Women's Fitness

Jen has been a consistent presence at ReKreate for the past two years. Her dedication to maintaining a routine and being part of our supportive community has been a cornerstone of her success. She highlights the sense of community and the friendships she has made as key motivators for her continued commitment.

Achievements and Progress

Jen proudly shares that she is now the strongest and fittest she has been in years. Her approach to fitness has shifted from the hectic routines of her early 30s, which included intense CrossFit and daily running, to a more sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle. The recent fitness challenge at ReKreate has also transformed her relationship with food and pushed her beyond her perceived limits.

Advice for Others

Jen’s advice for anyone feeling stuck or overwhelmed is simple: start small and take it one step at a time. Whether it’s a walk around the block or simple exercises at home, every little effort adds up over time. She emphasizes the importance of not trying to do everything at once and avoiding the trap of comparison. At ReKreate, everyone is supported and encouraged, creating a non-intimidating and welcoming environment.

Jen Barret’s story is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with dedication, support, and a positive mindset. Her journey at ReKreate Women’s Fitness showcases the impact of a strong community and the importance of focusing on what you can control. We are incredibly proud to have Jen as part of our ReKreate family and look forward to seeing her continue to thrive.


P.S. If you are seeking weight loss, strength gains or general fitness and fun, we offer Group Training, 8-week Challenges and one-to-one Personal Coaching to help you reach and maintain your goals. If you are interested, book a call with me here:

Make it an amazing day!

Kylie Reh x

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