Courtney’s Journey: How a 6:30 AM Fitness Routine Transformed Her Life

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Rise and shine with Rekreate Fitness! In this blog post, we’re diving into Courtney’s incredible journey, where she transitioned from someone who couldn’t get out of bed in the mornings to a vibrant, energetic soul who starts her day with a 6:30 AM workout. Courtney’s story is a testament to the powerful impact that the right fitness community can have on your life.

From Morning Sluggishness to Vibrant Energy

Courtney’s journey started with a simple goal – to wake up and feel more energetic throughout the day. She found her solution in the 6:30 AM fitness sessions at Rekreate Fitness. Not only did her energy levels skyrocket, but her diet also improved, setting a positive tone for her day and overall well-being.

A Welcoming Community

Rekreate Fitness isn’t just a gym; it’s a community. Courtney highlights the kindness and encouragement she received from day one. Everyone knew each other’s names, and there was a sense of inclusion and belonging. Her workout form improved significantly, thanks to the expert guidance at the gym, leading to increased strength and confidence.

Diversity and Unity

At Rekreate Fitness, diversity reigns supreme. Moms, young women, and older ladies all come together with one common goal – to lead a healthier lifestyle. There’s a shared spirit of encouragement, and no one is treated differently. Courtney found that her experience here was unlike anything she had ever encountered.

A Lifelong Commitment

Courtney’s journey at Rekreate Fitness isn’t a short-term fix; it’s become a part of her life. She realized early on that this was no three-month resolution – it was a long-term commitment to her health and well-being.

Courtney’s story is a testament to the transformative power of morning fitness routines and the supportive community at Rekreate Fitness. If you’re ready to embrace a new, energized lifestyle, it’s time to join us.


P.S. If you are seeking weight loss, strength gains or general fitness and fun, we offer Group Training, 8-week Challenges and one-to-one Personal Coaching to help you reach and maintain your goals. If you are interested, book a call with me here:

Make it an amazing day!

Kylie Reh x

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